Price : $29.95
Brand : Bean Products

Sitting Mountain Chair Yoga Kit

This audio CD and 43 page pocket-sized tutorial booklet appeal to a wide audience – those who sit at desks or in cars, airplanes, or wheelchairs and want an afternoon “pick-me-up.” Chair Yoga benefits those who have a physical condition that requires them to exercise on a chair such as arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, or stroke. It is also an excellent form of Yoga and exercise for those who just do not want to get down on the floor, yet desire the same results and benefits of traditional Yoga. The Sitting Mountain Series has tremendous potential in the corporate setting. Chair Yoga can be used by those who are unable to get regular exercise at work. It provides a stress-free workout in the comfort of a worker’s chair without leaving the office. Lakshmi Voelker’s Chair Yoga provides an avenue for oxygenating the body and mind for increased productivity. As the body becomes more flexible and the mind more centered, the worker obtains energy boosts without such stimulants as caffeine, nicotine, and sugars. The CD (or cassette) contains one 30-minute and two 15-minute Yoga sessions. The 43-page tutorial booklet uses pictures and words to guide you through each session. The booklet will fit in a shirt pocket or purse so you can carry it with you and do your Chair Yoga without the CD or cassette tape, if desired.


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